How HC Petroleum Equipment controls liquid level in horizontal three phase separators?

As test separator separate well stream into three phases, gas, oil and water, effective and reliable level control system is required. HC offers two types of level control in horizontal and vertical test separators

Liquid Control Option 1



Liquid Control in this case is conduced by Pneumatic Control Valves and Level Controller. Level Controller and Control Valve is calibrated to necessary liquid level, so Level Controller triggers air-supply system to supply compressed air to Control Valves to open oil and/or liquid flow line. There are two liquid level controllers, one for oil, another for water. Also, there are two control valves, one for oil, another for water.  

Liquid Control Option 2


Liquid Control in this case is conduced by Pneumatic Control Valves and Level Transmitters. Level Transmitter and Control Valve is calibrated by PID Controller. Level transmitters sends signal to PID controller, PID Controller sends signal to control valve positioner to regulate oil and water flowlines. There are two liquid level transmitters, one for oil, another for water. Also, there are two control valves, one for oil, another for water.  

Contact HC Petroleum equipment for more information and quotation for horizontal and vertical three phase separators.