Iron sponge for solid bed scavenger units was exported to Malaysia by HC Petroleum Equipment

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Iron sponge (ferric iron oxide) is a special desiccant used in natural gas sweetening units in many oilfields worldwide. HC Petroleum Equipment designs and supplies Solid Bed Scavenger units with high-iron-density desiccants applicable for H2S-removal applications. Our Solid Bed Scavenger Units can be designed with one adsorbent column or two adsorbent columns. 

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Iron sponge process has been applied for natural gas production and treatment for many decades. HC’s strong team of process, chemical and mechanical engineers ensure proper handling hazardous hydrogen sulfide and ensure efficient treatment (sweetening) natural gas. HC has exported 30 tons to the project in Malaysia, where natural gas processor applies Solid Bed Scavenger system for natural gas treatment. Feel free to contact HC Petroleum Equipment for more information on iron sponge process, iron-sponge-based adsorbent beds, and solid bed scavenger units.