Urgent need for fast and effective solution for H2S removal? HC get you covered!

HC Petroleum Equipment provides cost-effective and reliable solutions for gas sweetening by applying iron sponge process. Our gas sweetening (gas desulfurization) units are cost-effective, reliable, easy to operate and transport and requires short production period in compared to other gas sweetening system. 

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We use quality iron sponge with increased iron density to accelerate adsorption process and handle high inlet pressure up to 10 MPa, and high flowrates up to 300000 Nm3/day. H2S Scavengers (special solid non-hazardous impregnated chips) lowers H2S amount below 1 ppm, and ensures complying with export pipeline specification, protecting downstream equipment and personnel from sour gas. 

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Feel free to contact HC Petroleum Equipment to receive technical support and quotation for gas sweetening units by iron sponge process.