HC supplies skid-mounted 3-phase test separator for Bangladesh project

Recently, a third-party company entrusted by Bangladeshi customer visited HC to discuss the cooperation. Accompanied by our project manager and technical engineer, the customer visited the plant, production equipment and working process, etc., and highly recognized our production capacity. After many times of communications, the customer decided to cooperate with us and ordered a 36*10 1440psi three-phase separator skid. 

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This equipment is mainly used for well testing and is also known as a three-phase test separator skid. The three-phase test separator is a standard configuration in well testing operation and is usually set downstream of the choke manifold, which is designed to control the flow of produced fluid from the surface.

After receiving fluid from the well, the three-phase test separator uses gravity and fluid density differences to separate the fluid into water/oil/gas phase. When the gas/liquid separation is completed, the separator will measure each phase individually. The gas phase can be transported to a separate gas pipeline or burned off. The liquid phase is mixed and returned to the outlet line or sent to the storage tank. In some remote areas where the produced fluid cannot be stored and transported, it may have to be transferred to the burner for further processing.

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The three-phase test separator skid produced by HC meets the manufacturing requirements of API and ASME, and is equipped with well-known foreign brand valve instruments and adopts full automatic control system. During inspection, our engineers and technicians provided solutions according to customers requirements and confirmed technical drawings with them. 

We look forward to more business and technical services in Bangladesh, and guarantee to offer customers with the shortest delivery time.