HC Mobile & Modular Natural Gas Dehydration Unit

As the domestic natural gas industry enters a period of rapid development, the efficient development and utilization of natural gas has become a compulsory subject for petrochemical enterprises. The existence of moisture will affect the transmission capacity of natural gas pipelines. Liquid water and acid gas form acidic aqueous solution to corrode pipelines and equipment. Therefore, reducing the water content and dew point is the most effective way to prevent hydrate formation, that is, natural gas dehydration.

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There are many ways to dehydrate natural gas, but solvent absorption and solid adsorption method are more commonly used. The user shall make economic and technical comparison according to the purpose, requirements and treatment scale of dehydration and in combination with the characteristics of each dehydration method, so as to select the most suitable dehydration process. In the design process, HC will give a reasonable scheme according to the actual situation of users. At present, the most commonly used by HC customers are ethylene glycol dehydration unit and molecular sieve gas dehydration unit.

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HC Petroleum Equipment provides gas dehydration units meeting the expectations of the project both for performance and costs. We conduct multiple calculations, software process simulations, mechanical calculation, standard-compliant fabrication, test and inspections to meet the requirements for safety, operability, process, mechanical and transportation. HC adopts “plug-and-play” philosophy, offering mobile and modular systems, which require minimum site works, require less transportation costs and arrive as per project timeline.  

Feel free to contact HC Petroleum Equipment to receive technical support, quotation or other enquiries not only for gas dehydration systems, but also for other gas treatment and processing systems. We would be glad to consider your enquiries and provide immediate response.