Flare Gas NGL Recovery Unit
Flare Gas NGL Recovery Unit is designed to recover valuable natural gas liquids (NGLs) from natural gas which would normally be burned by the flaring systems.
TEG (Glycol) Gas Dehydration
Glycol Dehydration is one of the gas dehydration processes, which applies absorption process by using liquid desiccant, triethylene glycol (TEG), to remove or lower water content from natural gas stream.
Molecular Sieve Gas Sweetening
Molecular Sieve Gas Sweetening Unit is a special system designed to remove or reduce hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from natural gas stream by applying solid desiccants or adsorbents.
Mobile Oil Production Systems (EPF)
Mobile Oil Production Systems or Mobile Early Production Facility (Mobile EPF) is designed to separate crude oil from water and free gas in the oilfields, handling flow capacity up to 5000 BOPD.
Add:No. 300, Zhongzhou Road, Luoyang, Henan, PRC
Mob: +86 158 6190 3617